My first mini-blog is about blogging itself, why I'm doing it, what I hope to achieve. To me a blog is between a tweet and an article or essay. It tries to capture a thought or thesis in a concise way. If the tweet is like a headline, then a blog is the executive summary, even if, ironically, the full essay or treatise does not exist. The essay is implied, it's in the blogger's head.
I read many other people's blogs. Some are interesting and pertinent, but many are like essays, they go on and on. For a busy reader like myself, I find myself either skipping most of it, or putting aside to read later, which I then never do. My aim here with this Mini-blog is to create blogs which are short and crisp, capturing the essence of a thought in as few words as possible. The aim is to write blogs which are no longer than 3 paragraphs or 250 words.
I shall try to capture the essence of an idea, concept or thought as concisely as possible, to make it reader-friendly. My subjects will revolve around business, new capitalism, society, leadership, democracy and complexity management, with a future orientation. However I will not restrict myself, so other "stuff" may slip in. Each blog will a kind of landmark in my thought processes. While there may be an introductory tweet, there generally won't be an essay with evidence. Hence my blogs are largely personal and subjective.