Over a period of several years in 2018 and 2021, 4 people came together regularly online on Zoom and held dialogues on various aspects of Multi-Mind Thinking and Being. The 4 people are:
Some of the conversations were recorded in a format of a short presentation on a particular theme by one of us, followed by a conversation about the theme by all. We called these the "Purple Octopus Web-Chats". Eight of these conversations were uploaded on Youtube, all together in this Youtube Playlist. The individual links to the 8 recordings are listed below: |
The Expense of Safety |
Exploring Complexity |
Relating to Structures | Cooperative Culture |
Inventing Your World | Relationships as Containers |
Organising Tasks | Learning to Unlearn |
The Multi-Mind Metrics Something that emerged from our work together is a deep dive into the metrics of multi-mind thinking, in other words, how do we know we are in Multi-Mind mode. While the notes to this work are very extensive and elaborate, Laureen Golden has distilled the essence of our work into the following document:
Purple Octopus Multi-Mind Metrics Summary.
Collated in collaboration with HOW: Healing Our World